
13 Email Marketing Tips Your Readers Want You To Be Following…Now!

Your readers want you to follow these 13 email marketing tips right now. Best practices in email marketing are rather timeless, but the best ways to implement the change with the rest of the world. The following list includes tried-and-true email marketing advice based on recent studies, digital marketing trends for 2021, and more advanced tools available to us. the search engine marketing is the top leading marketing method in 2022 if you are looking for SEO consultant Melbourne then check.


1. Segment your database of subscribers.

Email may be used for a variety of marketing efforts, including welcoming new clients, guiding them through your sales funnel, announcing new features, sharing special specials, and more. However, you can only employ these tactics if you segment your list.

There are numerous methods for segmenting, however here are a few of the more common:

  • Demographics: To get a list of emails based on a given region, use your CRM.
  • Stage of the customer journey: Differentiate your offers for new and returning customers.
  • Subscribers who didn’t open their first email may benefit from a re-send or a slightly altered email.
  • The following are the stages of the customer journey: Differentiate your offers for new and returning clients.

To accomplish this, you’ll need to set up rules and conditions in an automated email platform.


2. Make your messages unique.

According to Janrain and Blue Research’s research, 96 percent of consumers say they’ve gotten mistargeted material or promotions, such as

  • Offers that suggest the company doesn’t know the customer.
  • Mistakes about the customer’s basic information.
  • Using several platforms to communicate inconsistencies.

According to the same study, 68 percent of customers discard and 54 percent unsubscribe from emails that contain these types of errors.

  • Personalization, on the other hand, can provide the following advantages:
  • Subject lines that are personalized might increase open rates by up to 50%.
  • Personalized emails have a 122 percent return on investment.
  • Regular promotions can produce 342 percent more money per email than birthday emails.


3. Mobile-friendly design

Users are 52 percent less likely to work with a company if they have a bad mobile experience, and 53 percent will abandon a site that does not load within three seconds. Mobile SEO is critical because 70% of emails are opened on a mobile device, and your CTAs all link back to your website.

  • Without needing to pan over, all-important text may be read on a single screen.
  • The email and landing page are both very rapid to load.
  • There are large, easy-to-press buttons.
  • The font type, size, and color are all easy to read.


4. Reactivate dormant subscribers

While it’s critical to have a continual stream of new clients, don’t forget about the ones you already have! An attractive offer and the correct email copy can often reengage a dormant customer or reader. Examine your data to identify what type of material they previously interacted with, and then deliver a fresh and enhanced version. Or simply give a discount!


5. Conduct A/B testing to find the ideal email.

To discover even more about your subscribers, use A/B experiments. Subject lines, body copy, layout, CTA wording or button color, photos, and more should all be put to the test. Only change one thing at a time, as with any A/B test, so you can draw unambiguous results.

Here are some subject line ideas if you’re offering a free guide about increasing traffic to your website:

  • 10 Ways to Increase Your Website’s Traffic
  • Is it possible that you’re losing out on website traffic? 10 Simple Suggestions[Free Guide]
  • 10 Ways to Get More People to Visit Your Website

You’ll be able to see which words (such as “download” or “guide”) resonate with your viewers, as well as whether they prefer a prevention-based approach.


6. Set up automated emails to prevent opportunities from being missed.

A triggered email is one that is automatically sent out once a consumer performs a specific action. Because you’re reaching your readers while they’re engaged, triggered emails have a 70.5 percent greater open rate. You could, for example, send:

  • After they abandon their cart, send them a reminder email.
  • After they’ve completed an order, they’ll be asked for comments.
  • A request for a review is sent shortly after they make a purchase.
  • After they’ve signed up, send them a welcome email.


7. Convert prospects into clients by nurturing them.

A new member to your email list may become an immediate consumer for B2C businesses and low-cost offerings. Big-ticket purchases and B2B marketing, on the other hand, necessitate more investigation and consideration. You send a series of emails to create confidence and present offers that gradually rise with nurture emails.


For instance, consider the following series:

Someone joins your mailing list and receives a welcome email. In subsequent emails, they are asked to:

  • A pocket guide is available for download.
  • Get a copy of the ebook
  • Participate in a webinar.
  • Examine a case study.
  • Request a consultation.


Because all of the content you’re providing is high-quality and informative, and each “ask” is simply a minor step up from the one before it, they’ll be more likely to arrange a consultation by the time you ask! Nurturing is an essential component of any lead generation strategy.

8. Use emotion to connect with others

Every client complaint and request may be traced back to emotion. If you’re an accountant, your clients want to stop worrying about not being able to file their taxes on time. They want to know that they’ll get the best deal possible.


Your audience wants to quit worrying about their reporting if you’re an analytics platform. They want to be at ease when giving a presentation to their supervisor. So use emotive marketing copy in your emails to increase engagement.


9. Emphasize your values.

Customers today expect a lot more from a firm than they did a few years ago. They want to give their money to organizations that they believe in, whose aims connect with their own, and who see them as more than just a source of revenue. They also want more openness and vulnerability.

You can demonstrate your values in a variety of ways:

  • Directly address them: As an example, “No one will fly solo at Flockjay. This is one of our key beliefs, and it applies to you as well. With our new service center, you’ll have human assistance available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week…”
  • Share achievements in your social responsibility efforts, such as how many trees your product helped to save this year or how much of your profit was contributed to a charity you support.
  • In each message, end with an inspirational quote that resonates with your ideals.


10. Make up a story

Stories are memorable and fascinating, whether they are three sentences or three hundred pages long. Here are some examples of how you may increase your email marketing results by using storytelling:


Tell a brief tale about how your newest product or service came to be. The end result will pique readers’ curiosity, and they’ll be reminded of why your products are of such high quality.

Share a succinct version of a success story, followed by a link to the complete story for more information.


Even better, start with articulating the customer’s problem in a way that your customers will understand (think P-A-S formula), end with spectacular (quantifiable) results, and close with “How did we do it?” and a “Find out here” CTA.


As a starter for the rest of the email, go imaginative and tell your own narrative. Sleeknote is an excellent example of this email marketing strategy (albeit we’d remove all of the line breaks for easier reading).


11. Determine the best time to send emails

  • The optimum time to send marketing emails is generally during the day.
  • During the week
  • Not on a Monday in the middle of the week
  • These are, however, basic guidelines, and your specific consumers’ needs may differ.


Furthermore, with the rise in remote working as a result of the epidemic, people’s schedules have shifted, so it’s a good idea to reevaluate. Conduct A/B testing and analyze your own data to determine the best times to send marketing emails to your consumers.


12. Make use of interactive content

Another option to personalize your marketing is to use dynamic email content. The content of your email changes automatically based on reader characteristics such as gender, geographic area, purchasing patterns, or behavior on your site with this method.



Customers will receive the same template, but images, offers, and calls to action will be different.


Include a countdown in your email or a live feed from your blog or social media platforms as another example of dynamic content.


13. Experiment with plain text emails.


You’re probably thinking, “Plain text!” This, however, is not a mistake. Consumers are increasingly appreciating more simplistic material in the midst of moving visuals, complex designs, and trendy aesthetics. Plain text emails not only fit this trend, but they also look better on smartphones, smartwatches, and voice-activated devices, and they pass spam, security, and privacy filters with ease.

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